TBC response
Immediately after the fire TBC supported community kitchens, run by the camp committee, to ensure that the affected families received sufficient food. In cooperation with camp committee, Karenni Refugee Committee and CBOs there were daily deliveries in the camp. Most of the families moved to stay with relatives and friends, and some moved into community buildings. Families affected by the fire later received l a full month ration of food.
Before the rebuilding of the destroyed houses, a new site plan was developed, creating additional fire break areas to minimize the risk of a new fire spreading. These areas can be used for paths and for planting fruit trees. TBC shelter team procured building materials for 107 small houses, 41 large houses, 37 household buildings partially affected by the fire or taken down because of the new fire breaks and 5 community buildings.
Currently 50 % of the houses have been rebuilt and the work will continue to ensure all houses are ready for the families before the rainy season commences in June.
The original appeal operated with a budget of 5 million TBH; this amount has later been adjusted to 4.3 mill TBH. Out of this TBC has received generous donations from Dan Church Aid, Christian Aid, Diakonia and Church World Service. In total contributions have reached 3.8 million TBH – or 87 % of the required amount. TBC would like to express its gratitude to the generous donors.