During early 2014, TBC conducted focus group discussions with refugees who had temporarily returned to southeast Burma/Myanmar. A snapshot of their perspectives about conditions on the ground at the time is available for download in English, Burmese and Karen.
Nine Thousand Nights: Refugees from Burma. A People’s Scrapbook (2009)
This unique publication, ‘authored’ by hundreds of people, collects together a rich array of insights, memories and images to provide a deeply human and intimate portrayal of the lives and experiences of refugees from Burma/Myanmar during more than a quarter of a century. Hard copies are available at the TBC head office in Bangkok.
Between Worlds: Twenty Years On the Border (2004)
TBC marked two decades of its work on the border in 2004 with this beautifully illustrated publication. It provides a history of TBC’s work and a commentary on the people living in the camps and their lives as refugees. The report is available on our website here. Hard copies are available at the TBC head office in Bangkok.
3 Sides to Every Story: A Profile of Muslim Communities in the Refugee Camps on the Thailand Burma border (2010)
Three border camps contain significant Muslim communities and this study considers how their particular community structures and faith affect their roles, needs and aspirations.
The conclusions help ensure that the TBC programme reflects sensitivities to the community’s practices and preferences and serves as a guide to similarly inform other service sectors. The report can be downloaded in English (62 pages, zipped PDF: 1.3Mb),Burmese (86 pages, zipped PDF: 2Mb), Karen (62 pages, zipped PDF: 1.8Mb) and Thai (62 pages, zipped PDF: 2 Mb).