Who We Are
The Border Consortium (TBC) has been working with refugees who fled conflict in Burma/Myanmar since 1984.
For more than three decades, TBC has been the main provider of food, shelter and other forms of support to the refugees in camps in western Thailand.
Over the years the organisation has changed and evolved. Today the consortium’s members consist of nine international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) from nine countries. They are:
Act for Peace, The National Council for Churches (NCCA), Australia
Christian Aid, UK and Ireland,
Church World Service, USA
DanChurchAid, Denmark
Diakonia, Sweden
ICCO Cooperation, The Netherlands
Inter Pares, Canada
International Rescue Committee, USA
Norwegian Church Aid, Norway
TBC’s head office is in Bangkok, Thailand. The organisation has field offices in Mae Hong Son, Mae Sot, and Kanchanaburi towns in Thailand.
TBC Board
TBC board members meet at least twice annually in person at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) and at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). At least another two meetings are conducted over the Internet each year. Board members are elected for a two-year term at the AGM. The board has a minimum of five members and a maximum of eight. The board must consist of at least four member-agency representatives. Up to four external candidates can be elected.
TBC currently has a staff of 56 people. The total staff gender ratio is almost exactly 50:50. The majority of staff are local employees. Staff backgrounds reflect in many ways the populations with whom TBC works, with many our employees having full or part Karen/Kayin, Karenni/Kayah, Burman, Shan, Thai, and other backgrounds.
Approximately 95% of its funding came from government donors such as US, UK & Australia. Although most of TBC’s funds are now institutional, it still continues to receive funds from individuals, private foundations and organisations and churches. These contributions are particularly encouraging and uplifting for our staff and members. To make a donation, please visit the Donation page.
TBC would like to sincerely thank its donors and members for their generous contributions and support.